Preserving the Recent Past 3
March 13-16, 2019
Los Angeles

On March 13-16, 2019, 350 preservationists attended the Preserving the Recent Past 3 conference in Los Angeles to share the latest strategies for identifying, protecting, and conserving significant structures and sites from the post-World War II era.


The Conference program included three tracks of presentations on advocacy challenges and preservation strategies, history and context and technical conservation issues and solutions for post-World War II resources. Presentation sessions ended Friday with a closing session and reception at the Getty Conservation Institute. Full and half day tours provided participants the opportunity to visit preservation and recent past sites throughout the area.



PRP3 Principal Sponsors:



For thirty years HPEF has been a leading provider of historic preservation knowledge for the preservation community and all those who care for and about historic buildings. HPEF was a principal sponsor of both previous Preserving the Recent Past conferences. For more information visit HPEF's website.


The Heritage Conservation program of the School of Architecture at USC is the conference host and a principal sponsor of PRP3.  Our graduate degree programs embrace Los Angeles, with its wealth of recent past resources and richly diverse communities woven throughout the tapestry of the built environment, pushing to acknowledge the many layers of history and meaning revealed in the city. In a place forever seeking the new, USC/HC seeks to protect the best of the past while embracing the landmarks of the future.  For more information, visit the USC/HC website.


The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world. The National Park Service was a principal sponsor of both previous Preserving the Recent Past conferences.